Here we feature our collection of very selective Sweet and Tender Love quotations to make our readers relate to it,
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The sound of a kiss is not
So loud as a cannon,
But its echo lasts
A great deal longer!
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I seek for one as fair and gay,
But find none to remind me,
How blest the hours pass'd away
With the girl I left behind me.
/The Girl I Left Behind Me/
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When love's well-timed 'tis not a fault of love;
The strong, the brave, the virtuous, and the wise,
Sink in the soft captivity together.
/Joseph Addison/
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One sweet, sad secret holds my heart in thrall;
A mighty love within my breast has grown, Unseen,
unspoken, and of no one known; And of my sweet,
who gave it, least of all.
/Sonnet, "The Athenoeum"/
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Ask not of me, love, what is love?
Ask what is good of God above;
Ask of the great sum what is light;
Ask what is darkness of the night;
Ask sin of what may be forgiven;
Ask what is happiness of heaven;
Ask what is folly of the crowd;
Ask what is fashion of the shroud;
Ask what is sweetness of thy kiss;
Ask of thyself what beauty is.
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My heart I fain would ask thee What then
is Love? say on. "Two souls and one thought
only Two hearts that throb as one.
/"Friedrich Halm"/
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Relationships are like Rome. Difficult
to start out, incredible during the
prosperity of the 'Golden Age', and
unbearable during the fall. Then, a new
kingdom will come along and the whole
process will repeat itself until you come
across a kingdom like Egypt.. that
thrives, and continues to flourish.
This kingdom will become your best
friend, your soulmate, and your love.
Helen Adams Keller
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Love can cure heartbreaks,
misfortune, or tragedy. It
is the eternal companion.
Unknown author
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Love is my sword, goodness
my armor, and humor my shield.
Unknown author
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Love is not getting, but giving,
not a wild dream of pleasure,
and madness of desire— ... it is goodness,
and honor, and peace and pure living.
Unknown author
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